Please read carefully before you sign up for orientation.
Assessment results required before attending a New Student Orientation:
SAT, ACT, AP, GED, or Accuplacer assessment results are required. Assessment results determine your placement in English and math courses.
Copies of assessment results can be reviewed at orientation.
Visit our Assessment Test page for more information.
A Challenge Essay test is required if...
- Your English Accuplacer places you in ENG 093/101M, ENG 093 or ENG 096.
- Your English Accuplacer is taken at another college and you are placed below ENG 101.
Challenge Essay tests take one week to grade. Please select an orientation that is one week after your Challenge Essay test date.
Orientation is for students only!
Parents, guardians, or friends can wait in our waiting room.
Orientation will last approximately two hours.
Family members of enrolled or prospective students who wish to learn more about MCC are encouraged to attend a Family Orientation session. For more information, visit the
Information for Parents and Family page.