“What is College-Level Writing?” Asks MCC Professor of English

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Manchester, CT – (December 5, 2006) . . . Teachers of all levels of English have often pondered the question of what defines “college-level” writing. MCC Professor of English Patrick Sullivan seeks the answer to this question in his recently published book entitled, “What Is ‘College-Level’ Writing?”

“What Is ‘College-Level’ Writing?” focuses on perspectives from high school teachers, student contributors and administrators and takes an in-depth look into the various aspects of teaching writing at the college level. The book engages well-known scholars to bring a variety of perspectives to this topic.

The experts include Edward M. White, Professor Emeritus of the English Department at California State University, San Bernardino; Lynn Z. Bloom, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Aetna Chair of Writing, and Professor of English at the University of Connecticut; Dr. Ronald Lunsford, Professor of English and Graduate Coordinator of the English Department at the University of North Carolina; Dr. Sheridan Blau, Senior Lecturer at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education; Jeanne Gunner, Assistant Provost for General Education, Chapman University; Muriel Harris, Professor Emerita of English at Purdue University; and Kathleen Blake Yancey, Professor of English and Director of the graduate program in Rhetoric and Composition at Florida State University.

According to Sullivan, “High school English teachers are among our most important professional colleagues in the grand enterprise of teaching writing at the college level but, more often than not, we talk about them rather than with them.” In the book, high school teachers present their concerns about the discrepancy between what they tell their students is important in college writing courses and what students actually learn is important.

The book also gives college students the opportunity to speak in detailed, full-length essays about their experiences transitioning from high school writing to college-level writing.

An administrative perspective highlights the many issues that help shape the definition of college-level writing, such as what other departments within a university consider college-level writing and how an English department itself develops its standard course syllabi, makes textbook recommendations, and interacts with its adjunct faculty members. These issues are acknowledged and explored in the book.

For more information on the book, “What Is ‘College-Level’ Writing?” contact Patrick Sullivan at 860-512-2669 or visit www.ncte.org/pubs/books/new/125862.htm

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