Wanda Reyes-Dawes Selected as Mentor for Academic Advisors

MCC Counselor Selected as Mentor for Academic Advisors

Manchester, Connecticut-( April 17, 2012)… Wanda Reyes-Dawes, Counselor/Coordinator of Academic Advising at Manchester Community College has been selected to serve as a mentor for the 2012-2014 Class of Emerging Leaders for the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). She is only one of ten to be selected to serve in this position.

The purpose of the Emerging Leader Program is to provide an intentional and focused mentoring experience to those who are interested in becoming more involved in the association.
Wanda Reyes-Dawes was selected because of her outstanding commitment to the program.
The Emerging Leader program is a two-year program in which Wanda will work closely with an Emerging Leader in NACADA and help him or her gain skills, experiences and knowledge needed to move into a leadership position in the association.

Since 1983, NACADA has honored individuals and institutions making significant contributions to the improvement of academic advising. The goal of NACADA is to promote quality academic advising and professional development of its membership to enhance the educational development of students. NACADA’s membership consists of faculty, professional advisors, administrators, counselors, and others in academic and student affairs concerned with the intellectual, personal, and vocational needs of students.

Wanda Reyes-Dawes, a resident of Hartford, is a graduate of Springfield College, School of Human Services. She earned a Master’s degree in Counseling from Central Connecticut State University in 2005. She earned a graduate certificate in Academic Advising from Kansas State University through NACADA in 2009 and is a graduate of the National Community College Hispanic Council’s Leadership program.

Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.