Two Students Elected To Board Of Regents For Higher Education

Two Students Elected To Board Of Regents for Higher Education including Alex Tettey Jr. from MCC. Board now at full strength; KATHLEEN MEGAN,

Two students have been elected by their peers to serve on the Board of Regents for Higher Education, bringing the new board to full strength.

Alex Tettey Jr. of Manchester Community College and Michael Fraser of Western Connecticut State University were elected by a student advisory committee to the Board of Regents. Both Tettey and Fraser will be voting members.

The newly organized Board of Regents oversees the four state universities, the 12 community colleges and Charter Oak State College.

Tettey, of East Hartford, is an undergraduate student pursuing a liberal arts and science degree at Manchester Community College. He is president of the college’s student government and is the state legislative director for Student Veterans of America. He spent nine years in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving in both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Fraser is an undergraduate political science student with a minor in history at Western Connecticut State University. He has served for the past three years as a student government senator and as a student representative to the university-wide curriculum committee and as a student representative to the university’s faculty senate.

The board, which includes 15 members and four ex-officio non-voting members, is scheduled to meet next on Dec. 20. The board includes nine appointments made by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, four made by legislative leaders, and the two students.

Under the higher education reorganization plan, the trustees for the community colleges and state university system will be dissolved as of January 1 and the Board of Regents will take full responsibility for the schools.