Students Can Study the Humanities at MCC and Check off Gen Ed Requirements too; Applications for New Students Accepted Online

MANCHESTER, Conn.  (July 31, 2020) – Students can further their educational and career goals in a variety of ways by studying the humanities at Manchester Community College this fall.

Studying the humanities prepares people for a lifetime of inquiry, thereby enriching their own life experience now and in the future. In addition, employers in the current job market favor recruiting people with at least some humanities study in their background because this contributes to critical-thinking skills and the ability to analyze strategic issues and devise innovative solutions.

Courses that can satisfy a major in the humanities at MCC can also satisfy general studies requirements for other majors. Curriculum comprises survey humanities courses, as well as electives chosen from anthropology, art, biology, entrepreneurship, environmental science, chemistry, communication, criminal justice and others for a broad, rigorous education.

For more information on the humanities at MCC, visit

Many students who are interested in continuing their studies in the humanities will transfer to a baccalaureate institution. By starting their course work at MCC, they are able to take advantage of the college’s high quality instruction and more affordable tuition and fees. Those intending to transfer are encouraged to meet with their academic advisors to discuss how MCC courses transfer to other institutions. The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities Transfer Ticket program makes this process nearly seamless. For more information on Transfer Tickets, visit

Registration for new students for Fall 2020 courses is open. Applications are being accepted online. Visit to apply to MCC.