Student Success: Alicia Salvatore Selected to Attend National Conference of American Society of Radiologic Technologists

Manchester, Conn. (June 27, 2017) – Alicia Salvatore, of Wethersfield, a continuing student in MCC’s radiography program, just returned from representing the state of Connecticut at the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting. The event ran June 22 through June 25 in Orlando, Fla.

The ASRT House of Delegates meets annually to debate and vote on motions and proposed changes to the ASRT bylaws and to adopt clinical practice and educational standards. During the meeting, delegates’ primary duties are to represent the radiologic science profession and their affiliates or chapters and to take action on issues that affect professional practice.

The symposium provides radiologic technology students with the tools, services, and support they need to be successful in their medical imaging and radiation therapy careers.

Salvatore said she is honored to be part of a wave of recognition that the MCC program is receiving. Earlier this year, MCC radiography students won the annual Connecticut Society for Radiologic Technologists (CSRT) College Bowl, a friendly competition between the state’s radiologic science programs.

Salvatore was recommended for the ASRT conference by Susan Morison, radiography program coordinator, based on her academic work as well as her volunteerism.

“Alicia has been selfless in contributing back to the MCC radiography program, the profession and the community in general,” Morison said. “She has lead efforts to collect donations for the MCC Cougar Pantry from her classmates and clinical sites, as well.”

Of the experience she just completed, Alicia added, “These past few days at the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting have been eye opening. I have learned that the Radiologic Science profession fosters not only hard working individuals, team members and leaders but it also fosters a sense of family.”

She hopes that one day she will work at Hartford Hospital or the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center as a radiologic technologist.

The radiography associate degree program enables graduates to work as radiographers. Radiographers provide patient services with the use of imaging equipment, as directed by physicians qualified to order radiologic procedures. They are responsible for exercising independent judgment in the technical performance of medical imaging procedures by adapting the variable technical parameters of the procedure to the condition of the patient, and by initiating lifesaving first aid and basic life support procedures as necessary during medical emergencies. MCC also offers an associate degree program in radiologic science with a radiation therapy option that is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.