Poet Steve Straight to Read at Manchester Community College April 27

MANCHESTER, Conn.  (April 19, 2022) – Poet Steve Straight will read from his new book, Affirmation, at Manchester Community College on Wednesday, April 27, from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Great Path Academy Community Commons. The event is free and open to the public.

He will also sign copies of the book following the reading.

Straight, of South Windsor, is a retired professor of English and former director of the poetry program at MCC. His previous full-length collections include The Almanac (Curbstone/Northwestern University Press, 2012) and The Water Carrier (Curbstone, 2002), which was a finalist for the Connecticut Book Award in Poetry. For many years he directed the Connecticut Poetry Circuit. He also directed the Seminar Series for the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival. He has given workshops on writing and teaching throughout the eastern United States. In 1998 he was named a Distinguished Advocate for the Arts by the Connecticut Commission on the Arts.

The reading is sponsored by the MCC English department.