Dental Assistant

CT State Manchester’s ​thirty-four ​credit Dental Assistant certificate program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association. This full-time program can be completed in ten months. The program prepares students for a career as a dental assistant ​through the combination of scientific and clinical based curriculum. Students complete externships at dental clinics and the University of Connecticut School of Dental MedicineDental assistant students finish the remainder of their externship requirements at private dental practices, which often leads to employment opportunities. Upon the successful completion of Manchester’s Dental Assistant program, students are prepared and able to take the Dental Assisting National Board examinations to become Certified Dental Assistants.

What Does a Dental Assistant Do?

Dental assistants help a dentist during dental procedures by handing instruments to the dentist and operating a suction device. They also perform other tasks, such as preparing a patient for treatment, overseeing the cleaning and sterilization of instruments, taking impressions and exposing x-rays. In general, the assistant does those tasks that enable the dentist to practice efficiently and focus more on the patient. In some instances, an assistant will also handle front desk duties, such as answering the telephone, scheduling appointments and overseeing supplies and deliveries.

What is the Employment Outlook?

As people live longer and retain more of their natural teeth, there will be an increase in the number of patients requiring dental care. One way to meet this demand is for dentists to hire dental assistants. It is not uncommon for one dentist to employ two or three dental assistants. Both the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Connecticut Department of Labor are predicting a high growth rate well into the next decade for the dental assisting field. According to the Connecticut Statewide Occupational Employment and Wages 2020 Report, dental assistants have the potential to earn above average salaries.

What Courses are Required?

At Manchester, the Dental Assistant program curriculum is a combination of didactic and laboratory courses. The curriculum includes courses on oral anatomy and pathophysiology, dental radiography, infection control in  dentistry, chairside assisting, dental materials, oral health promotion and dental practice management. Dental Assistant students are also required to complete a minimum of 300 clinical practicum hours.

Where Do Students Receive Clinical Training?

CT State Manchester enjoys an excellent working partnership with the UConn School of Dental Medicine. Dental Assistant students work with the university’s dental students and dentists in the general dentistry and dental specialty clinics and have earned an exceptional reputation in the performance of their chairside assisting practices.

In addition to their work at the UConn School of Dental Medicine, Dental Assistant students rotate through at least one private dental practice, public health clinic or pediatric clinic.

View the Program Curriculum

Application to Program

Be sure to complete the following FIVE steps prior to the application deadline of February 1, 2025.

  1. Attend a Dental Assistant information session before the application deadline. Email Rosemary Ryan for available dates and times.
  2. Complete Dental Assistant program prerequisites.
    • All candidates must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
    • Dental Assistant program prerequisites include the following Manchester courses or their equivalent, if transferring:
      • Eligibility for ENG 1010: English Composition
      • Eligibility for MATH 1001: Quantitative Literacy or higher
    • If you have a question regarding the appropriate prerequisites for the Fall 2025 application cycle, please contact the program director listed below.
  3. Review the application process for selective admissions for Fall 2025 and beyond for CT State: Application Process
  4. Submit the General Application for Admission/Selective Admissions Application by February 1, 2025.
  5. Submit official copies of all transcripts by February 1, 2025. Only electronic transcripts are acceptable.
    • For electronic transcripts, visit your previous institutions’ websites for instructions on how to order online transcripts.

Questions: Contact Rosemary Ryan, CDA, RDH, MPH, Dental Assistant Program Director, 860-512-2705.

Contact Information

Rosemary Ryan, Program Director