New Online Associate Degree Offered by MCC


Manchester, CT – June 29, 2012 . . . This fall, Manchester Community College is launching a degree program designed specifically for busy adult learners – an online General Studies associate degree. Its features include accelerated learning, on-ground options, incredible flexibility, and a dedicated college liaison.

The General Studies associate degree program at MCC offers the broadest range of electives of any major at the college and leads to an associate in science degree. General Studies is a concentration that is ap¬propriate for transfer, for employment and for a self-designed independent course of study. It is also ideal for those students who are seeking to complete a degree started at another institution.

“Accelerated and online programs are often an ideal solution for working adults who are comfortable with technology and welcome a fast-paced virtual learning experience,” stated Dean of Academic Affairs Joanne Russell. “The accessibility and flexibility of online and accelerated learning offered in this program allows students to design an academic experience that fits their needs. They can pursue their educational goals and gain practical knowledge while balancing a busy family schedule and work commitments.”

Students may enroll in the program full or part time. Students new to post-secondary education, or those who might wish to finish a degree they previously started, are welcome. The 60-62 credit program covers a wide range of subject areas, including courses in the humanities; biology, chemistry or the physical sciences; social science; math; English and a variety of electives. For those students who are not prepared for the mathematics and English courses required in the program, the college offers a wide range of developmental classes.

A new course, IDS: 201 Explore, is included in the major. Throughout the semester students in this themed course will develop the essential intellectual skills needed to succeed in the 21st century: integrative learning, interdisciplinary inquiry, creative and critical thinking, and collaborative problem solving. Students will learn how to apply these skills through learning projects that will broaden and deepen their understanding of the theme of the course and hone their ability to effectively communicate their ideas. The theme for Fall 2012 is “Stress.”

The new online learners will be supported by a full range of services. While all are available online, many may be accessed on the MCC campus as well, providing a unique hybrid experience for students who may be geographically close to the MCC campus, but who prefer an online learning environment.

Some of the student support services are:
• The Educational Technology and Distance Learning (ETDL) Department’s video tutorials, technical documentation, FAQs and tips on how to be a successful online learner.
• Academic planning, advisement, transfer and personal counseling services, and disabilities services, in the Counseling Center.
• On-line job listings (CCN), job search, resume writing, and interviewing resources on website, as well as job search workshops offered on campus by Career Services.
• Access to web-based, interactive career planning and assessment resources: FOCUS 2, a comprehensive program that combines self-assessment, career exploration and decision making, and InterviewStream, an online tool offering simulated job interviews for students to practice both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
• Free peer and professional tutoring; and math, writing and ESL labs; through the Academic Support Center. The ASC is open evenings and Saturdays, in addition to daytime hours, to allow students working daytime jobs to take advantage of its services.
• Online eTutoring provides additional tutoring support to students who may come to campus only infrequently.
• Ask A Librarian 24/7 and connect with a librarian and receive help anytime, anywhere, via the Internet.
• Financial aid, including state and federal grants, scholarships for those who qualify, and an interest-free payment plan.
• The online Adult Success Coach, a wealth of resources ranging from time management and study skills articles and tutorials to learning assessments and referrals for help with academic, career and family challenges.
• A Veterans O.A.S.I.S. that provides a dedicated, supportive space for veterans and military service men and women to network, socialize, study and share, as they integrate into the college experience.

Enrollment in the program is simple. Prospective students are asked to take an online assessment that will identify their level of readiness for online learning and complete a Student Profile. Students will then be contacted regarding the steps needed to successfully complete their online degree.

Dean Russell concluded, “We want prospective students to know that, If they would like to improve their employability, get a degree or finish the one they started, or hone the skills that may earn them a promotion or a new position, we can help. Manchester Community College provides a welcoming and supportive learning environment for adult students. We can work with their schedule, their demands, and their dreams to craft a college experience that will help them successfully reach their educational, personal and professional goals.”

More information about the new online General Studies program at MCC contact Veronica Young at or 860-512-2720. Additional program offerings and services for adult students can be found at adults.

Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.
