MCC Named a Military Friendly® School for 2015


The East Hartford Women’s Club, a member of General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Connecticut (GFWC/CT), donates dozens of small American flags to be planted on the MCC campus lawn in front of the SBM Charitable Foundation building each Veterans Day.

Good news for area veterans, Manchester Community College has been named a Military Friendly® school by Victory Media, Inc., for 2015.

The college again earned rights to the coveted Military Friendly® trademarked designation because of its scores on a rigorous survey assessment of some 12,000 schools nationwide.

The list honors the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools that are doing the most to embrace America’s military service members, veterans and spouses as students and ensure their success on campus. Connecticut is home to 275,000 military veterans, more than 14,000 of whom are women.

MCC has repeatedly been recognized for its services to veterans. As one example of these services, the college held its first Veteran’s Professional Development Day last Friday, November 7, dedicated to students who are military veterans and specifically to providing skills and employment opportunities to them. On the agenda were seminars in resume building and interview techniques, an employer and college panel, and time to socialize and network.

In addition, the Veterans OASIS (Operation Academic Support for Incoming Service Members) provides ongoing support and resources for local veterans. Each public college in Connecticut has a Veterans OASIS dedicated to providing a supportive space for veterans and military service men and women to network, socialize, study and share, as they integrate into the college experience. MCC students as well as non-students are welcome at the OASIS. For more information, contact Ta’Shema Odoms at 860-512-3307, or by email at

From left, MCC Professor Bobbi Fox (U.S. Navy) serves as faculty advisor to the MCC VETS (Veterans Empowering Themselves to Succeed) Club. With her at a recent club meeting are Michelle LaBelle, of East Hartford, Conn. (U.S. Army), studying business; Edwin Peck, of Windsor Locks, Conn. (U.S. Navy), studying engineering science; Caitlin Cardello, of East Granby, Conn. (U.S. Air Force); studying psychology; and Glenn Manning of Bolton, Conn. (U.S. Army), studying respiratory care.

The OASIS is used by the MCC VETS (Veterans Empowering Themselves to Succeed) Club to host its monthly meetings. VETS is an on-campus club that assists local veterans and their dependents to network, and it also serves as a liaison for the veterans’ community outside the college. The VETS Club advisor is Professor Bobbi Fox, who can be reached at 860-512-2769, or by email at