MCC’s Fall Credit-Free Catalog Available Online

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Manchester Community College’s Credit-Free Programs fall 2014 course catalog is now available online. Fall courses begin September 1 and registration is available now by phone at 860-512-3232, by mail, in-person or online. For questions or to request a catalog, call Continuing Education at 860-512-2800.

This semester continues to offer a wide variety of credit-free programs for professional development and personal enrichment, including 52 new courses and introducing 16 highly qualified new instructors.

Credit-Free Programs are shorter in length than a typical college semester, and they start periodically throughout the term, so it is never too late to register. The full range of topics covers Computer Technology — with workshops in building mobile apps and managing databases, and computer skills training that prepare students to take certification tests – to certification courses in the Allied Health fields, including Certified Nurse’s Aide and Phlebotomy Technician Certification Training; to courses designed for personal enrichment such as Art and Crafts; Culinary; Dance; Drama; Fitness and Recreation; Principles and Practices of Real Estate; Personal Trainer National Certification and many others.

Some of the other genres offered through continuing education include Body, Mind & Spirit, which covers topics ranging from Qigong to Yoga, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to Sound Therapy and more. Courses focused on Culture and History such as Mysteries of Ancient Ireland, the History of Halloween; ballroom, modern, swing and line dance are favorites of returning students. For more advanced dance classes, see the current listing in the catalog for salsa! Prospective students interested in drama and film can select from course titles such as Creating Community Theatre; the Art of Voice Over; Learn Video Production, and Film Production, Marketing and Distribution.

For adults who have upcoming travel plans abroad in the coming year or who have a desire to broaden their language base, Credit Free Programs offers a variety of foreign language courses in several levels of study. Students can choose from French, German, Polish, or Russian. American Sign Language is also offered in multiple levels throughout the year. Credit Free Programs offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for students of varying levels and skill goals. The newest listing in this section entitled Improve Your Communication and Career Search Skills with Ease will be offered by new instructor Rosemary Feehan-Huff, who comes to Credit-Free Programs with more than 25 years of teaching experience in the field. Complete bios on all Credit-Free Programs instructors are available in the catalog.

To learn more about MCC’s Friday Noon Institute, certification programs and other courses offered through Credit-Free Programs, peruse the catalog; or contact Continuing Education to request a catalog at 860-512-2800.

For students interested in pursuing credit courses leading towards a degree program, contact MCC admissions at 860-512-3210.