MCC Welcomes New President
Manchester, Conn., – (September 2, 2008)… Manchester Community College welcomes Dr. Gena Glickman as the newly appointed president of the college. Dr. Glickman is the fifth president, and first women to serve as president, of the 45-year-old Connecticut community college. She began her tenure as president on July 1. Previously, she was the Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Student Development at Elgin Community College, a large comprehensive community college west of Chicago.
Dr. Glickman was the chief academic and student services officer at Elgin where she was a member of the President’s Executive Team and of the President’s Planning Council and Resource Development Team. Prior to her appointment at Elgin, Dr. Glickman was Associate Provost and Assistant Provost at the University of Baltimore.
When asked about her priorities and vision for the college, Dr. Glickman shared a personal perspective of her strengths and provided an in-depth perspective on her plans for the college.
Q. What will be your priorities as president of Manchester Community College?
My first priority is getting to know the college, our students and our service community – all the people who have an interest in MCC. I think it’s critical to examine our successes and to build on those successful strategies for our future.
Q. What strengths do you bring to the position?
I once took a strengths finder inventory – the results of which described me as analytic, relationship-oriented and a learner. While I’m sometimes skeptical of personality inventories, this time it hit the mark. I get great pleasure and satisfaction in working with other people to analyze complex questions, listening to a diversity of perspectives, and learning about new ways of thinking about an issue.
Q. How would you characterize your leadership and management style?
For me, leadership is about integrity, stewardship, humor and trust. I would characterize myself as intuitive and adaptive. Just as when I was a teacher and I felt pride in my students when they had their successes, my most successful moments as a manager are when I see other people succeeding.
Q. What were your greatest accomplishments at Elgin Community College?
I believe that my most important contribution was in creating a culture where our faculty and staff participated actively in decisions that affected students and the college, whether that was writing our academic plan or our self-study, designing and measuring learning outcomes, increasing diversity, dealing with issues of academic standards, collaborating with partners on college readiness, or expanding community access.
Q. Although you have been here for fewer than three months, what attributes of MCC stand out?
A few things stand out very clearly – the energy and enthusiasm of everyone at the college, the commitment to high academic standards and student success, the willingness to take on tasks, and the relationships that people have with each other.
Q. As the new president, what is the message you would like the college community and the greater Manchester community to know?
I want our community to know that MCC is a premier college and that we are responsive to change and innovation in learning. Our faculty and staff members are experienced and have some extraordinary personal stories that create a supportive environment for students. We have something to offer for every member of our community. Our student and alumni stories are evidence of our success as a college.
Q. What is your vision for the college?
That MCC is the first choice for education. I say that in the broadest sense to include our lower division curricula, our cultural offerings, our community events and our business partnerships. MCC is positioned to be a civic and cultural center for our community, as well as a part of the solution for economic development. My hope is that we can partner with our towns to help energize our communities.
Q. What advice would you give new and returning students at MCC?
Believe in yourself and your potential. Find a mentor. Ask questions. Stay engaged. Meet new people. Take a course you never imagined taking. Participate in college life. Get support when you need it. This is a journey and along the way you might find that you’re not so sure you’re on the right path or you have concerns in your personal life that are interfering with school. Talk to someone at the college. Treat your classes seriously. Have fun.
Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your family?
I was raised on Long Island and my family moved to New York City in 1964 – quite an era for two teenage sisters in NYC. My father, who will turn 88 this year, now lives with his wife in Bristol, Rhode Island. I went to college and graduate school in Maryland and worked there most of my career. My husband and I (along with our Saint Bernard and our cat) relocated to Manchester from the Chicagoland area this summer.
Q. What do you like to do during your spare time?
I’m a homebody. I like to putter around the house, read, wander around antique stores, watch movies and spend time with my family.
Q. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
I’m an avid mystery nut, but I’m also fascinated by people’s personal stories so I read a lot of biography and books about global and cultural identities.
Q. What kind of music do you listen to?
I’m a vocal jazz and blues fan. My first date with my husband was to see Buddy Guy. How could I not fall in love?
Q. What is your favorite cuisine?
Thai, cole slaw, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and ice cream.
Q. Is there anything else you would like to share with the MCC community?
I am delighted to be here and look forward to our future!