MCC to Participate in “Super Saturday Registration Blitz,” August 22

Manchester, Conn. (August 12, 2015) – As part of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) “Stay Near. Go Far.” initiative, Manchester Community College will be one of the 12 colleges participating in a “Super Saturday Registration Blitz” on August 22.

The “Stay Near. Go Far.” system-wide drive is designed to help new community college students enroll in fall classes. Refreshments will be served.

“At the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system, we are making it easy and quick for students to enroll in fall classes,” said CSCU President Gregory Gray. “On Aug. 22, we are making community college staff available to prospective students to help get them started on the path to a college degree at the state’s community colleges — Connecticut’s best value in higher education.”

MCC’s Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, Bursar, Student Retention Services, Testing, and Student Success and Advising Center offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and application fee waivers will be available There will be walk-in advising available, and assessment testing will begin at 9 a.m. A photo ID is required to sit for the test. Students who have taken the SAT may be exempt from assessment testing.

For more information on assessment tests, visit the assessment website.

Early arrivals for Super Saturday may be able to apply, test and register for courses all in a single day. Payment of associated fees or approved financial aid will be required at the time of registration. For more info on MCC tuition and fees visit the paying for college website.

Students who haven’t already done so are encouraged to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, aka, the FAFSA, prior to the August 22 date. Federal assistance includes need-based programs such as Federal Pell Grants. Students may also be eligible for work-study programs. The FAFSA can be submitted online at; MCC’s school code is 001392.

In addition to MCC, the event will be held at Asnuntuck Community College, Enfield; Capital Community College, Hartford; Gateway Community College, New Haven; Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport; Middlesex Community College, Middletown; Naugatuck Valley Community College, Waterbury; Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Winsted; Norwalk Community College, Norwalk; Quinebaug Community College, Danielson; Three Rivers Community College, Norwich; and Tunxis Community College, Farmington. For more information, visit the Stay Near. Go Far. website.