MCC Student’s Passion for Politics

Manchester, Conn., – (November 5, 2009)… In meeting MCC student Lydia Johnson, it is apparent that she is passionate about politics and her community. At 21, she played an integral role in helping a friend campaign for the Manchester Board of Education, she worked tirelessly on the local grassroots effort for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, and most recently has been elected as the non-technical member to the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Board of Governors for Higher Education. Johnson, of Manchester, says if she had the opportunity to do it all over again, she would, because of her dedication to helping people, being politically active and getting involved in her community. Johnson is an example of the surge in young people getting involved in their communities through politics and civic engagement.

SAC Board Electee
MCC Student Lydia Johnson, 21, of
Manchester was recently elected as the non-technical
member to the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC)
of the Board of Governors for Higher Education.

Johnson, a liberal arts major, is interested in studying geomatics and land use planning once she graduates from MCC. She selected this field because she wants to help people living in urban areas have a voice in how their communities are developed. “There are so many people in neighborhoods across the country that do not have a voice and are not part of the conversation in how their neighborhoods are being developed,” stated Johnson. “My goal is to be an advocate and promote individuals participating in developing healthy and environmentally safe neighborhoods. Having a political background will definitely help, getting involved in all levels of politics will ultimately help me achieve my goal.”

Johnson wants to transfer to the University of Connecticut to learn more about the planning, conducting and managing of activities related to land and engineering surveying, information systems, land development and planning, land reform, law and commerce.

Johnson was recently elected as the non-technical member to the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Board of Governors for Higher Education. The election was held in October at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. Johnson was elected by the 2009 CT Community College Student Electoral Assembly, which consists of 48 student representatives from the twelve Connecticut community colleges. Johnson was elected after five rounds of voting.

In her new role, she will represent students throughout the Connecticut community college system and intends to be an advocate for all students. “I plan to visit each college in the system to get a better grasp of what is happening on campuses across Connecticut,” stated Johnson.

Johnson is also employed at MCC as an MCC Student Ambassador and as an Information Center Specialist.

The Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Board of Governors for Higher Education was established in the 1982 Higher Education Reorganization Act. The committee consists of a twenty-two member advisory body to the Board of Governors for Higher Education. The committee meets monthly, generally in Hartford, and at least twice annually with the Board of Governors to discuss a mutually agreed upon agenda. In addition, the committee elects a six-member executive committee, which sits with the Board of Governors at all public meetings, with the right to participate in all discussions but without vote.

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Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.