MCC Students Inducted into Phi Theta Kappa
For the Spring 2015 term, more than 100 MCC students have been inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, the oldest and largest international honor society serving two-year colleges.
Phi Theta Kappa is an internationally acclaimed honor society recognizing the academic achievement of associate degree students. The purpose of the MCC-based Alpha Upsilon Alpha chapter is to promote scholarships, develop leadership and service, and cultivate fellowship among qualified students at the college. To be eligible for an invitation to join, a student must be currently enrolled, have accumulated 12 semester hours earned at MCC, have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.75 and adhere to the college code of conduct.
Membership offers students opportunities for leadership, fellowship, scholarship, and community services, as well as providing an intellectual climate for continued academic excellence.
Phi Theta Kappa has recognized academic excellence in the two-year college since 1918. Membership is based primarily upon academic achievement. Invitation to membership may be extended only by the local chapter at the institution in which the student is enrolled.
The complete list of spring inductees and their hometowns follows:
- Kehinde Abolurin, Rocky Hill
- Alexis AbouAkar, South Windsor
- Sarah Abouakar, South Windsor
- Omayra Alamo-Carrion, Hartford
- Reuben Anderson, Ellington
- Katarina Anger, Columbia
- Michael Aquilio, Enfield
- Sarah Arnold, Ellington
- Chelsey Barbosa, West Hartford
- Andrew Barlow, Windsor
- Kathleen Barnett, Manchester
- Heather Barth, Willington
- Meghan Bascetta, Andover
- Edward Beckwith, Ellington
- Kristiana Beho, Rocky Hill
- Sarah Brihan, South Windsor
- Tanner Brooks, Tolland
- Nicholas Brundage, Windsor Locks
- Chelsea Bujda, Rocky Hill
- Autum Burke, South Windsor
- Eliza Cardwell, Granby
- Michael Carman, South Windsor
- Rebecca Carr, Manchester
- Benua Cezmalli, Hartford
- Ashley Cillo, Newington
- Kryssa Clark, Manchester
- Raymond Clarke, Manchester
- Krystal Climan, Vernon/Rockville
- Samantha Cormier, South Windsor
- Samantha D’Auteuil, Columbia
- Daniel DeSimone, South Windsor
- Nadina Dellaripa, Tolland
- Barbara Devine, Colchester
- Edith Drost, Ashford
- Briana Flint, Ellington
- Amber Gendreau, Manchester
- Sabrina Glover, East Hartford
- Richard Goulet, East Hampton
- Leandra Grasso, South Windsor
- Rebecca Harpin, South Windsor
- Dylan Harris, South Windsor.
- Brett Henry, Tolland
- Linda Hilliard, Manchester
- Elizabeth Htoo, Hartford
- Aida Huric, Hartford
- Joseph Hurst, Andover
- Phillip Hylton, Hartford
- Paige Iverson, Willimantic
- Hannah Jahn, Granby
- Emma Jones, Manchester
- Patricia Kells-Murphy, Middletown
- Kimberly Kenyon, Griswold
- Judy Konopka, Middletown
- Emily Kopowski, New Britain
- Stephanie Levin, Ellington
- Jonathan Lundie, Gales Ferry
- James Macsata, Enfield
- Kenneth Manoj, Avon
- Zachary Marchand, Rocky Hill
- Natalie Maynard, Bolton
- Paula Mayo, Stafford Springs
- Olivia McCormick, East Hartford
- Ian McGuire, Vernon/Rockville
- Kasinda McKenzie, Bloomfield
- Nicole Mooney, Glastonbury
- Marion Moore, Tolland
- Kelly Munck, Hartford
- Kristine Nadvornik-Moulard, Manchester
- Diane Oliveras, Hartford
- Jesica Ortega, Manchester
- Gerry Ouellette, Glastonbury
- Zachary Paquin, Willington
- Stephen Pasternak, Bloomfield
- Madalena Pattacini, Manchester
- Christina Pelletier, Andover
- Abby Plaskonka, Rocky Hill
- Hayley Pryski, Moodus
- Michelle Quiles, East Hartford
- Maria Ramos, Cromwell
- Sydney Ratte, Coventry
- Sarah Richard, Vernon/Rockville
- Andrew Riscassi, Manchester
- Brenna Robertson, South Glastonbury
- Tiffany Robinson, Berlin
- Marvalyn Rochford, New Britain
- Alex Rontey, North Windham
- Katia Ruesta, Vernon/Rockville
- Kiara Ruesta, Vernon/Rockville
- Brandon Sabo, Manchester
- Chris Samboy, New Britain
- Jonathan Samnath, Hartford
- Stephanie Samuelson, Granby
- Hanna Schmitz, Tolland
- Taylor Segar, Ellington
- Nikolaos Sidiropoulos, Ellington
- Genell Simeoni, East Hartford
- Lauren Slater, New Britain
- Kami Slattery, Hartford
- Angelea Smith, Burlington
- James Smith, Manchester
- Jordan Starr, South Windsor
- Shannakay Sweeney, Windsor
- Sarah Thayer, Simsbury
- Heather Vasquez, East Hartford
- Abigail Welles, East Hartford
- Danielle Wemmell, Vernon
- Daniellle Whitcomb, Tolland
- Mattea Whitford, Tolland
- David Wienner, Farmington