MCC Students Inducted into Epsilon Pi Tau International Technology Honor Society

MANCHESTER, Conn.  (May 10, 2022) – Seven Manchester Community College students were inducted into the Gamma Phi chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau, the international honor society that recognizes current and future leaders in technology professions. The Gamma Phi chapter represents all of the community colleges in Connecticut.

The newly inducted MCC students are:

Name  Town Program
Abare, Jamie Windsor Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Antunez, Roger Stratford Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Bracale, Matthew Wallingford Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Elias Benitez, Edgar South Windsor Technology Studies: Industrial Technology Option

and Precision Manufacturing Certificate

Harris, Charmayne Wethersfield Precision Manufacturing Certificate
Richards, Hugh Hartford Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Sayyalinh, Alisa Hartford Technology Studies: Industrial Technology Option

and Precision Manufacturing Certificate

Established in 1929 at Ohio State University, Epsilon Pi Tau now has more than 125 chapters serving students at accredited two-year and four-year colleges and universities. Its mission is to encourage academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the general study of technology and to prepare practitioners for the technology professions.