MCC Radiography Students Win Annual CSRT Bowl

From left, Aubrey Hoyt, Brianna Bercume, Kristen Callahan and Andrew Hannon

Manchester, Conn. (April 26, 2017) – MCC radiography students won the annual Connecticut Society for Radiologic Technologists (CSRT) Bowl, competing against Gateway Community College, Middlesex Community College, University of Hartford and Quinnipiac University.

Each year CSRT hosts a competition to test students’ knowledge. CRST Bowl questions are related to radiography, imaging and program content. This year’s competition was held at Middlesex Community College in Middletown on March 3. MCC students Brianna Bercume, Kristen Callahan, Andrew Hannon and Aubrey Hoyt represented MCC this year, and their team came out the winner over the other four teams after two preliminary rounds. MCC bested Quinnipiac in the final.

Upon graduation, radiography students must pass a national certification examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) to be certified. The CSRT Bowl provides a fun way to test students’ knowledge for the exam, according to Andrew Hannon and Brianna Bercume who were happy to be able to compete against Quinnipiac.

“The bowl was a good way to prep for the ARRT exam, and it’s a stepping stone for MCC’s recognition as a college with a great radiography program,” said Bercume.

Hoyt, who will graduate this May, was proud to win for her college. “We worked hard as a class to prepare,” she said. “We all put in a lot of time and effort to be able to compete against some very tough teams.”

All this would not have been without MCC’s Radiography program coordinator, Assistant Professor Susan Morison, who has earned high accolades from her students, said Callahan. “She is a great instructor. She always motivates us to do our best,” Callahan said.

However, Morison gives credit back to her students for their success. “The ability to handle the competition the way they did shows their professionalism and their knowledge of radiography. This award is a testament to the amazing radiography program we have at MCC,” she said.

About MCC’s Radiography Program – The Radiography associate degree program enables graduates to work as radiographers. Radiographers provide patient services with the use of imaging equipment, as directed by physicians qualified to order radiologic procedures. They are responsible for exercising independent judgment in the technical performance of medical imaging procedures by adapting the variable technical parameters of the procedure to the condition of the patient, and by initiating lifesaving first aid and basic life support procedures as necessary during medical emergencies.