MCC Presents Daube Award for Inclusion and Accessibility to Faculty Members Pat Carrigan and Myrta Groeneveld

MANCHESTER, Conn. (April 9, 2018) – Visual Fine Arts Associate Professor Patricia Carrigan and Mathematics Professor Myrta Groeneveld were each awarded the 2018 Dr. Jonathan M. Daube Award for Inclusion and Accessibility.

The award was established to honor outstanding memberz of the college community who continues the legacy of inclusion and accessibility demonstrated by Daube during his years of leadership as president of the college. This year’s award was presented by Dr. Daube at a ceremony at MCC’s Disability Awareness Day on Thursday, April 5.  Dr. Daube was president of MCC from 1987 until his retirement in June 2008.

Carrigan, a resident of East Granby, is the recipient of numerous fellowship grants and awards, including from the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vt.; the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism; and the Greater Hartford Arts Council. She was awarded a Ballinglen Artist Residency Fellowship in Ballycastle, Ireland, in 2005 and 2007. She holds an MFA from the University of Connecticut and a bachelor of arts degree from Hartwick College.

“Pat Carrigan is one of MCC’s strongest advocates for students with disabilities,” Gail Stanton, MCC learning disability specialist, said. “She has regularly attended workshops held by disability services and worked with this office to ensure equal access. Her patient and open-minded approach to serving this population has met with great success as she continues to foster an environment of acceptance and inclusion. We whole-heartedly recommend her as this year’s recipient of the Daube Award.”

Groeneveld, a resident of Longmeadow, Mass., was instrumental in bringing a course redesign to the developmental mathematics program at MCC and played a role in creating a dedicated computer lab for developmental math. She developed the math curriculum and trains instructors for the college’s summer bridge programs, Smart Start and Aleks® self-study programs. She has developed and taught math courses in Spanish at two community colleges. She holds a master of science degree from the University of Connecticut and a bachelor of science degree from Westfield University.

“Myrta has been a valued partner to the Disability Services office, often finding creative solutions to students struggling with math,” said Joe Navarra, coordinator, disability services. “Starting from the perspective that anyone can learn math, Myrta leaves no stone unturned in her quest to help students to be successful.    Her positive attitude and belief in her students is inspiring.”

Also part of the Disability Awareness Day program was the screening of “Just Go” — a short film presented by guest speaker Francis Gomez, Miss Wheelchair Connecticut 2018 — and a panel discussion with MCC students who have disabilities. The program was hosted by MCC Disability Services and the Institute on Disability and Community Inclusion.