MCC Offers Short Course on the Powers of Medicinal Plants in Aromatherapy

Essential oils aren’t just used for relaxing! MCC offers Making “Scents” of Aromatherapy: Essential Oil Basics for Home and Healthcarein one session Saturday, July 26 from 9 a.m. to noon. The concept is simple: These powerful substances serve vital functions for the medicinal plants from which they are derived. When used properly, essential oils can benefit people in much the same way they benefit plants.

Essential oils can promote wound healing, disease prevention, immune support and more. The workshop will provide participants with the basics of aromatherapy, including terminology, shelf life, storage, quality, purity and general safety. The journey continues with information on the therapeutic properties and a hands-on instruction to learn how to make your own customized essential oil product.

Students interested in the healthcare field may be interested in learning more about the potential benefits of incorporating aromatherapy techniques into their practice. This class is approved for three continuing education credits through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, according to MCC instructor Hallie Sawyers.

Sawyers explains, “Doctors, nurses, massage therapists, aestheticians, home health aides and the general public can all benefit from taking this introductory training. The information and skills learned will place you in the center of the growing spotlight of public and professional interest in aromatherapy.”

Sawyers is nationally certified in holistic aromatherapy and teaches at New York Chiropractic College. She teaches the essential oil curriculum at Finger Lakes School of Massage, has been practicing as a certified aromatherapist since 2002, pursuing a clinical aromatherapy path since 2005. She is also an approved continuing education credit provider for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork at Central Connecticut State University and the Hartt School of Music.

For course registration, refer to CRN 20708 in the Summer Credit Free catalog by calling
860-512-3232. For more information or to request a catalog, call Continuing Education at

MCC offers opportunities for students interested in the healthcare profession to pursue credit-free and certification programs. For more information, visit the Credit-Free Allied Health Programs website.  MCC also offers for-credit coursework leading towards a degree or cerfification in a variety of healthcare and therapy progams.