MCC Offers Online Summer Courses for Students On-the-Go

For students who are pressed for time, MCC offers a wide range of online credit courses during the summer session. Enroll in one of these courses and participate from anywhere – the workplace, home, even from a favorite vacation spot – while keeping pace with degree requirements. Earn up to four credits per class in three-week, six-week and eight-week sessions, including online classes.

Courses offered include Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Introduction to Anthropology,  Art History, Film Study, Introduction to Nutrition, Medical Terminology, Introduction to Computer Aided Design, Introduction to Computers, Principles of Microeconomics, English Composition, United States History, General Psychology and many others. Credits earned through online, as well as on-campus, summer courses can be applied to a degree or certificate at MCC or transferred to another college or university.

“Taking a course at MCC during the summer months is a great way to get additional credits you need to graduate, to get ahead of schedule, or simply to explore subject matter you don’t have an opportunity to study during regular semesters,” according to Melanie Haber, dean of Continuing Education.

Many courses begin May 26, and there are also sessions beginning in June and July. For the full list and schedule of online courses being offered, see the catalog.

To successfully participate in online courses, students must know how to use a computer and have high-speed Internet access. In addition, while the online format provides some flexibility, it is important to note that these are not self-paced courses. “Just as in any MCC course, students will have weekly deadlines for assignments, discussions and assessments,” Haber said. “The content and expectations in an online course are the same as in an on-campus course at MCC.”

Classes fill quickly, so register soon. Note that summer courses are part of MCC’s credit extension program and so tuition and fees vary from those offered during the fall and spring.

For summer admissions and registration information, visit the website or call the Registrar’s office at 860-512-3220.