MCC Offers Online Introductory Course in American Sign Language

MANCHESTER, Conn. (April 23, 2020) – Students interested in learning an increasingly useful and popular language can now register for an online course in American Sign Language at Manchester Community College for the Summer 2020 term.

MCC’s three-credit introductory Sign Language 1 (SGN* 101) will be offered June 8 through July 31; there is no prerequisite. As with all Summer 2020 courses, SGN* 101 has been moved to an online format for the safety of students and faculty during the Covid-19 pandemic.

American Sign Language is the sign language most people use when communicating with non-hearing persons and among those who may not share a common spoken language. Students will learn grammatical features, vocabulary and conversation skills, including expressive and receptive skills.

The language is useful in a variety of fields, including social work, health careers, education, psychology and others. It is increasingly popular in public venues such as theaters and conferences.

In addition, MCC has articulation agreements with a number of baccalaureate institutions, such as UConn, where it is possible to major in American Sign Language.

For more information, visit semester registration information can be found at