MCC offers New Credit-Free Professional Development Courses
Manchester Community College Credit-Free Programs announces upcoming classes to help people build their professional skills and increase their capabilities in a job market that continues to be fiercely competitive.
Are you a manager of a diverse staff? The course, “Managing the Generation Mix,” to be held on Tuesday, May 20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., will provide individuals, supervisors and managers with both an understanding of what each generation wants and practical advice on how to build success within your work team. Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials working together bring diversity with the potential for collaborative productivity. Refer to CRN 12045 for registration.
Would you like to explore making money with your writing? MCC offers the course,”Blog for Money and Fun,” Saturday, May 31 from 9 a.m.-noon. Instructor David K. Ewen, M.Ed., will teach participants how to create a blog to enhance your career, build marketing talent, raise funds as well as where to connect with helpful resources. Refer to CRN 12208 to register.
Beginners can learn Grant Writing in a day-long course on Saturday, May 17 at MCC on Main, from 11:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Instructor Beverly Salzman, MBA and psychology, has more than 20 years’ experience grant writing to various State departments, the Federal government and local foundations. Refer to CRN 12081for registration.
For additional information or to request a catalog, call Continuing Education at 860-512-2800.