MCC Offers New Course in Technical Communications

Manchester, CT ( September 17, 2013)… Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education Division is offering a new course designed to build communication skills for engineers, architects, web software designers, insurance professionals and others who need to communicate ideas, concepts and information to a technically savvy audience.

The course, “Technical Communications,” starts next Wednesday, September 25, and runs eight successive Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. through November 13. There is still time to register (refer to CRN 32020). The course fee is $160.

“Students will learn how to interpret, evaluate and report technical information using basic components and structures common to the field of technical writing,” instructor Leanne Foster said.

Foster is teaching Technical Communications as a new course for MCC but she has served as an adjunct professor of technical communications at the University of Hartford for several years. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto and a master’s degree from Central Connecticut State University.

Her MCC course will also cover audience analysis, language and purpose, page design and technical definition and description. “The course is ideal for anyone already working in a technical field or people who are looking to move into these lucrative careers,” she said.

Related upcoming courses offered by MCC Credit-Free Programs include AutoCAD 2013 Certification Preparation, starting Saturday, September 21 (refer to CRN 31865 for registration); Game Design and Development, also starting September 21 (refer to CRN 31868 for registration); AutoCAD 2013 2D Introduction, starting Monday, September 23 (refer to CRN 31860 for registration); Microsoft Project In-Depth, starting Wednesday, October 2 (refer to CRN 31612 for registration); and many other technology-related courses.

Enrolling in and completing courses through MCC means students have access to hands-on experts in the field for instruction, as well as the added benefit of an official college transcript that serves as a record of their education.

For more information, call the Credit Free Information line at 860-512-2800, or to register, contact the Registrar’s Office at 860-512-3232, or visit
