MCC Holds Information Sessions to Help Students Explore Options for Success
MANCHESTER, Conn. (Feb 27, 2019) – Manchester Community College’s upcoming free information sessions are a great way to explore options for success. Sessions will be held between Wednesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 28, for several programs enrolling for the Fall 2019 term. Pre-registration for each of these sessions is strongly encouraged. Visit:
Wednesday, March 6 (5-7 p.m.) and March 27 (5-7 p.m.) – Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management. Learn about program options and get a tour of campus facilities. Bring your questions. Info: Bill Williams, 860-512-2777 or email
Monday, March 18 (5:30- 6:30 p.m.) – Computer Game Design and Graphic Design. Students can learn about program options and ask questions. Info: Maura O’Connor, 860-512-2692 or email
Thursday, March 28 – Health Career Sessions. Students interested in exploring a health career can learn about specific opportunities within these in-demand professions. Attending an information session is the first step in the admission process for each program. Program coordinators will provide details and answer questions.
- 11-noon – Dental Assistant. Info: Rosemary Ryan, 860-512-2705 or email
- Noon-1 p.m. – Surgical Technology. Info: Terry Kennedy, 860-512-2715 or email
- 1-2 p.m. – Respiratory Care. Info: Nancy LaRoche-Shovak, 860-512-2714 or email
- 2-3 p.m. – Occupational Therapy Assistant. Info: Maggie Moriarty, 860-512-2719 or email
- 3-4 p.m. – Radiologic Science. Info: Susan Morison or Nora Uricchio, 860-512-2708 or 2730 or email