MCC Helps Professionals Improve Communication Skills

As technology develops, so must people’s professional communication skills sets. Manchester Community College offers new courses geared towards enhancing professional communication skills in the digital-age.

The course, Effective Speech Communication Made Simple, to be held Wednesday, May 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., will help participants connect better with an audience by building on their natural skills and confidence. Instructor Ken Adamson, M.A., brings more than two decades of sales, sales management and marketing experience to this single session course. Refer to CRN 11859 to register.

Digital Photography has become a tool in the workplace for communicating through social media. The course Digital Camera: RAW, Layers and Photoshop, held on Thursdays, May 22 and 29, from 6 to 9 p.m., provides and introduction to Camera RAW. Use photo editing software, work with different kinds of layers, create adjustment layers and masks, as well as become familiar with painting in and painting out using the brush tool. Instructor Carmine Filloramo brings more than 30 years’ experience in the photography business. Refer to CRN 12134 to register.

MCC’s Credit-Free Programs spring and summer 2014 catalogs are accessible online or via Facebook. Check out course offerings to learn more about opportunities to obtain certifications that open the doors to gain new skills for today’s workplace.