MCC Featured in AAC&U News Article
MCC’s Roadmap Project is featured in the month’s AAC&U News. Please take the time to read the article on this very collaborative project. Soon the college will learn if there is continued funding for the project for the next two years. Many thanks to the following Roadmap committee members who participated in the (almost) weekly meetings:
- Dean G. Duncan Harris
- Provost Sandra Palmer
- Ed Hogan
- Stacy Giguere
- Robert Turner
- Kaarina Finegan
- Martin Hart
- Sue Barzottini
- Kim Hamiliton-Bobrow
- Wanda Reyes-Dawes
- Jason Scappaticci
- Florence Sheils
- TJ Barber
- Tim Boto
Additional help was provided by Carla Adams, Charlene Tappen and Ray Kingston.
Phase II of the Roadmap Project begins this fall.