MCC Employees Recognized for Excellence

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Maggie Moriarty
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Grace Scollo

Manchester, Connecticut-(January 25, 2012)…On the opening day of the spring semester, two Manchester Community College employees were recognized for their service to the MCC community, including students, fellow faculty and staff and the public. The recognition awards, one for faculty and one for staff were presented at an all-college meeting in January.

The Manchester Community College Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes and honors a faculty member who demonstrates excellence in the classroom. The program recognizes teachers who have inspired a love for learning in their students and who have distinguished themselves in the classroom and in the college community.

The Manchester Community College Excellence in Service Award recognizes and honors a college staff member who demonstrates excellence in their functional area. The program recognizes staff who integrate the mission into their everyday life and distinguish themselves with a high level of service to the college community.

All employees of MCC are eligible for one award or the other and nominations may come from students, peers, colleagues, supervisors, alumni and community members.

The Excellence in Teaching Award was given to Professor Margaret ”Maggie” Moriarty, a resident of Rocky Hill and director of the Occupational Therapy Assistant program. She started her career at MCC and earned an associate degree in the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program and received her BS and MS degrees from Central Connecticut State University. Maggie said the recognition is exciting, and she is “honored and flattered to receive the award, and is committed to living up to the expectations that accompany receipt of this award.”

The Excellence in Service Award, being awarded for the first time, was given to Grace Scollo currently in the Continuing Education Division. A resident of Manchester and a long time administrative assistant at the college, Grace is a much admired colleague. She has a certificate in Baking from MCC and began her career at MCC in 1986. Grace said she is “honored and humbled that this award was given to her by my colleagues.”

Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes,, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.