MCC CCTC Creates Customized Distance-Learning Course for Cyient Employees

MANCHESTER, Conn. (May 20, 2019) – The Corporate and Community Training Center (CCTC) at Manchester Community College partnered with Cyient to design and deliver a customized curriculum in advanced manufacturing that included a distance learning component for employees remotely based from the East Hartford office.

The goal of the customized curriculum is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of manufacturing and design principles. A recent cohort was taught on the MCC campus, as instruction was simultaneously live streamed to Cyient remote work teams who were also enrolled in the course.

Plaques were presented to commemorate the successful partnership. From left, Cyient employees Richard Sadosky, Melanie Tucker and Jeff Thierfeld, with CCTC’s Doreen Forbes-Rogers, MCC CEO Tanya Millner-Harlee, Director of Business and Industry Services Mick Pigott, Cyient employee Diana Rock and Professor Mehrdäd Fäézi.

Cyient is a global solutions provider focused on engineering, manufacturing, data analytics, and networks and operations. The company provides engineering, manufacturing, geospatial, network, and operations management services to global industry leaders. They deliver innovative solutions that add value to businesses through the deployment of robust processes and state-of-the-art technology.

“They approached us because of the reputation of MCC’s precision machining program.  We worked closely with Cyient to customize the curriculum to provide an advanced level of understanding to the students to meet the training goals of the client,” Doreen Forbes-Rogers, CCTC business representative, said.  “This program offered the opportunity to Cyient employees in Connecticut, Maine, Georgia and Florida to receive the same training both on-ground on campus and via WebEx for distance learners.  We are already talking about another program in the fall.”

The current seven-course curriculum, based in part on MCC’s precision machining program, comprises 108 total hours on topics ranging from blueprint reading, conventional machining, materials and processes, to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, NX11 CAD, NX11 CAM and CNC machining.

A similar curriculum can be made available to other companies in the area, according to Forbes-Rogers. “The curriculum is scalable to the needs of other clients. CCTC is able to provide customized training at the client’s location or at MCC – whichever best suits training needs,” she said.

For additional information, contact Forbes-Rogers at 860-512-2817 or; or Mick Pigott at 860-512-2815 or