MCC Announces Teleconference to Join Hazardous Mitigation Plan Public Forum
Manchester, Conn. (January 13, 2016) – In an effort to proactively identify hazards and vulnerabilities and the steps that can be taken to reduce these risks, the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) has been in the process of developing a Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan for the last 18 months.
This plan includes CSCU’s four state universities, 12 community colleges, Charter Oak State College and the System Office. The purpose of the Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan is three-pronged: first, to assist the campuses in identifying and reducing risks from natural hazards; second, to identify actions that can be taken to prevent damage to property and loss of life; and third, to prioritize funding for mitigation efforts.
The Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan describes each campus’ vulnerability to the various natural hazards that are typically present, along with an array of actions and projects that can be undertaken to reduce key risks. While natural disasters cannot be prevented from occurring, the continued implementation of mitigation strategies identified in the plan will make CSCU campuses more sustainable and disaster-resilient.
Officials at Manchester Community College will participate in a public forum hosted by Eastern Connecticut State University on February 4 at 3 p.m. MCC will link to the forum through a teleconference set up in room A108 in the Learning Resource Center on the community college’s main campus. The purpose is to present the draft Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan.
In the event of inclement weather, MCC will partner with the Board of Regents central office to hold its public forum on February 11 at 2 p.m. in LRC A108.
Members of the Hazard Mitigation Planning Team will be available through the teleconference to answer questions and listen to community and stakeholder comments. This meeting is designed as an open house where students, faculty, staff and members of neighboring communities are invited to attend the forum to gather information and provide feedback.
A draft of the Multi-Campus Hazard Mitigation Plan can be downloaded from the CSCU web site.
While natural disasters cannot be prevented from occurring, the continued implementation of mitigation strategies identified in the plan will make CSCU campuses more sustainable and disaster-resilient.
This project is being funded by a grant allocated by the Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.