MCC Announces Record Scholarship Award Disbursement for Fall 2021 Semester

MANCHESTER, Conn. (October 19, 2021) – Manchester Community College Foundation awarded $448,000 in scholarships to 244 students for the Fall 2021 semester.

The foundation gives hundreds of deserving students the opportunity to achieve their academic dreams through the scholarship program. Scholarship awards are merit- and need-based. In addition, the foundation supports college programs.

It is projected that MCC Foundation will distribute over $850,000 in scholarships in the 2021-22 academic year, which would be a record level of direct student support. The average scholarship award for Fall 2021 was $1,500, and a number of students received awards of $3,000.

“The foundation is thrilled to be able to support so many students with our largest scholarship distribution in foundation history,” said TJ Benoit ’81, chair of the MCC Foundation scholarship and disbursement committee.

“This extraordinary level of scholarship support was only possible because of the leadership of our board and the generosity of hundreds of alumni and friends,” said Peter Grose, MCC Foundation president.

Anyone wishing to help enable students to access a quality education at MCC can go to to donate to the scholarship fund.

This year because of COVID-19 restrictions, there was no scholarship award ceremony.  A list of the recipients and their hometowns is below.

About MCC Foundation

Manchester Community College Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 Connecticut corporation governed by a volunteer board of directors, composed of business and community leaders. The foundation secures funding to assist the college in achieving its mission and goals through support of programs, scholarships and equipment.

Fall 2021 Scholarship Recipients