MCC Announces Promotion and Tenure Appointments

MCC Announces Promotion and Tenure Appointments

Manchester, Connecticut (April 20, 2012)…Manchester Community College has announced promotion and tenure appointments for the following faculty and staff:

Faculty Promotions:
Kate Bella, Groton, to Associate Professor; David Caldwell, Glastonbury, to Associate Professor; Len Dupille, Windsor, to Professor; Paul Edelen, Bolton, to Associate Professor; Kaarina Finegan, Manchester to Associate Professor; Barbara Fox, Manchester to Professor; Stacy Giguere, Windsor to Professor; Martin Hart, Pomfret to Assistant Professor; Wanda Haynes, East Hartford to Professor; Lucy Anne Hurston, Bloomfield to Professor; Albert Kim, Glastonbury to Associate Professor; Tanya Millner-Harlee, Hartford to Associate Professor; Fatma Salman, Manchester to Assistant Professor; Rebecca Townsend, East Longmeadow, MA to Associate Professor.

Staff Promotions:
Joanne Britton, Manchester; Stephen Campiglio, Sturbridge, MA; Clayton Church, Willington; Brian Cleary, Coventry; Bruce Manning, Moosup; Douglas Michele, Salem; Ta’ Shema Odoms, Manchester; Wanda Reyes-Dawes, Hartford; Melissa Rivera, Manchester; Ivette Rivera-Dreyer; Charles Russell, Manchester; Florence Sheils, Manchester; Charlene Tappan, Manchester; Cynthia Zeldner, South Glastonbury.

Tenure Recipients:
Kate Bella, Groton; Paul Edelen, Bolton; Joseph Fairchild, Thomaston; Kaarina Finegan, Manchester; Stacy Giguere, Windsor; Daniel Janczak, Windsor ; Theresa Janeczek, Glastonbury; Albert Kim, Glastonbury; Pamela McManus, Hebron; Douglas Michele, Salem; Tanya Millner-Harlee, Hartford, Ta’ Shema-Odoms, Manchester, Bonnie Riedinger, Litchfield.

Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The college offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.