MCC Announces Excellence in Service and Teaching Awards
MANCHESTER, Conn. (February 17, 2022) – Manchester Community College bestowed its annual Excellence in Service Award on Information Technology Technician Clayton Church, of Mansfield, and the Excellence in Teaching Award went to Assistant Professor Burcin Calafiore, of Wethersfield.
These MCC awards recognize and honor employees who demonstrate excellence as judged by their peers at the college. Nominations are solicited from staff, faculty and MCC students, as well as the larger community. Church and Calafiore were selected by a specially charged committee and presented with their awards at the college’s recent Spring 2022 Opening Day event, which was held virtually this year.
Criteria for Excellence in Service include the staff member’s concern for the college community, dedication to student success, stewardship and leadership capabilities, and innovative approaches to engaging colleagues and students. Criteria for Excellence in Teaching include the faculty member’s dedication to student learning, depth of subject matter expertise and innovation in inspiring student interest.

According to Calafiore’s nomination, “Burcin practices inclusive teaching and always strives to support learners of all abilities. She openly and generously shares the personal challenges she has overcome to encourage and inspire students. Accessibility of course materials is a particular passion of hers, and she strives to ensure that all of her course materials are engaging and effective for the diverse student population at Manchester Community College.”