MCC Alumni Show 2017 Juried Exhibition Awards Announced

MANCHESTER, Conn. (September 21, 2017) – The Manchester Community College Alumni Association announced the winners of the MCC Alumni Show 2017 Juried Exhibition, now on display at the Dehn Gallery at 903 Main Street.

From left, Armstrong, Burnham and Martnez.

At a reception and award ceremony held Friday, September 15, a $200 first prize was presented to Tai Armstrong, of West Hartford, for her three-part wall sculpture, “Wall Flowers I, II, III.” A $150 second prize went to Adrian Martinez, of Hartford, for his untitled gelatin silver print. Third prize, a $100 cash award, went to Victoria Burnham, of South Windsor, for her oil on canvas, “Young Me.”

MCC Alumni 2017 is a showcase of talented and creative alumni from Manchester Community College. To be eligible to enter the show, former students must have studied at MCC and completed at least nine credits. They do not need to have graduated with a degree or certificate but must be in good standing.

The jury for this year’s exhibition was Professor Dan Long, co-chair of the Visual Fine Arts department, and Jane Rainwater, Dehn Gallery curator. The winners’ work, along with that of 19 other MCC alumni, will be exhibited through November 4. The show, which is presented with support from the MCC Alumni Association, is free and open to the public.

Armstrong, who transferred to Maine College of Art in 2015, does drawing, photography and ceramics. Her award-winning piece was begun in 2014 while she was studying at MCC. She completed it for the juried show.

Martinez transferred to the Hartford Art School in 2015. While at MCC, he studied with Professor Long, whom he credits with inspiring him to pursue his current creative path. As a juror, Long reviewed entries anonymously, and Martinez was pleased to have his work stand on its own merit.

Burnham transferred to the University of Hartford in 2015. She enrolled in her first painting course at MCC and said that it made a huge impact on her. She is currently a resident potter at the Guilford Art Center.

About the MCC Alumni Association

The MCC Alumni Association works with MCC alumni of all ages to build relationships, share success stories and college happenings, and partner alumni with our current students, fellow alumni and college community.