MCC Alumni and Students Can Get Job Search Help at Regional Job Fair, March 29
MANCHESTER, Conn. (March 11, 2019) – Manchester Community College will host the annual Regional Job Fair on Friday, March 29, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The job fair is open to the general public.
The event, held in the Great Path Academy gymnasium, is co-sponsored by Manchester Community College, Connecticut Department of Labor, The Journal Inquirer and the MCC Alumni Association.
MCC alumni and students can have their resumes reviewed by professional job coaches. Volunteers from Capital Workforce Partners, the Goodwill Career Center and MCC Alumni Association will be available from 9 a.m. to noon to help with resumes and interviewing skills so job seekers will be more effective when talking to potential employers. Free coffee will be available.
This is the fourth year MCC has offered this pre-job fair assistance with the alumni association; each year has had a positive outcome for both students and alumni job candidates.
“There will be resources available to type, print and copy resumes after students and alumni talk to job coaches so that what they hand to potential employers will be the latest and greatest,” according to Director of Development and Alumni Relations Diana Reid. “We’ve been able to help students and alumni to have a properly prepared resume and help them get jobs.”
The Regional Job Fair will bring job seekers face-to-face with more than the 60 employers. Career opportunities are available in all areas from management, professional, technical, medical, and sales, to manufacturing, etc. Employers registered to attend the event include Six Flags New England, UPS and FedEx Ground, Air Force Reserve, YMCA of Greater Hartford, Avon Police Department, CT Department of Labor, Journal Inquirer and many others.
Visit to register. Contact Julie Greene at 860-512-33-72 or email
For information about the alumni event, contact Diana Reid at 860-512-2909 or email