Mancini-Brown Receives MCC Educational Excellence and Distinguished Service Award
MANCHESTER, Conn. (May 3, 2018) – Darlene Mancini-Brown, director of facilities management and planning, is the recipient of the MCC Educational Excellence and Distinguished Service Award for the 2017-18 academic year. This award recognizes employees whose performance exemplifies excellence in teaching, leadership and administration.
Mancini-Brown, a resident of West Hartford, manages the daily operations of the 160-acre MCC campus and nearly 500,000 gross square footage (GSF), as well as overseeing the implementation of a 10-year, $100 million master plan. She leads a team of 36 full-time staff with a total operating budget of $4 million and is also a member of college leadership teams, including the President’s Advisory Council and the Extended Cabinet.
“We are very proud to name Darlene Mancini-Brown as the recipient of the 2017-18 Educational Excellence and Distinguished Service Award at Manchester Community College,” said Gena Glickman, president of MCC. “She has made significant contributions in her position at MCC for the past eighteen years. We have a beautiful campus that everyone is impressed by whenever they visit, and Darlene and her team keep all facilities running smoothly to support the goals of our students and the larger community.”
Nominators cited her for mentorship and dedication to the college mission. In addition, she is credited with being a “big picture” thinker who can easily synthesize a diversity of viewpoints and goals. One recent outstanding contribution has been her extensive work on finding new ways to reduce energy usage at the college, including the installation of a large solar array that will lead to substantial financial savings and improved environmental stewardship.
She is a graduate of Wentworth Institution of Technology and also holds a master’s degree in organizational management from Eastern Connecticut State University. She served as interim vice president of facilities at the Connecticut Board of Regents, while continuing her duties simultaneously at MCC.
As part of her award, she receives grant funding to pursue a special career development project.