Manchester Community College Students Inducted into Epsilon Pi Tau, International Technology Honor Society

Manchester, Conn. (May 12, 2017) — Epsilon Pi Tau, the international honor society that recognizes current and future leaders in technology professions, inducted 14 new Manchester Community College students into its Gamma Phi chapter.

The college chapter also recognized two MCC staff members as honorary inductees at the recent induction ceremony held Friday, May 5. Nia Mitchell, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) division associate, a resident of Manchester; and Dave Russell, manufacturing program director, of Enfield, were among the honorary inductees.

Established in 1929 at Ohio State University, Epsilon Pi Tau now has more than 125 chapters serving students at accredited two-year and four-year colleges and universities. Its mission is to encourage academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the general study of technology and to prepare practitioners for the technology professions.

In addition to the induction ceremony, the honor society’s Distinguished Service Award was also presented to MCC Professor Mehrdäd Fäézi, of Glastonbury, for his roles as co-principal investigator, Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, and principal investigator, Engineering Challenge for the 21st Century Program. The Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, a National Science Foundation Center of Excellence, provides resources for students and educators interested in exploring opportunities in today’s technology companies. It is directed by the Connecticut College of Technology, which also sponsors the Engineering Challenge for the 21st Century Program providing high school students the opportunity to participate in a focused, highly structured, laboratory-based program in basic engineering, teamwork, leadership, interpersonal and technical writing skills.

The Gamma Phi chapter represents the community colleges in Connecticut.

The latest Manchester Community College Epsilon Pi Tau inductees:

Name                                     Hometown

Lukasz Burek                        Portland

Kadeem Douglas                Hartford

Marwan Ghellai                   New Britain

Muadd Ghelli                        New Britain

Fadil Gobeljic                        Wethersfield

Zachary Hazzard                 Ellington

Taj Herman                             Manchester

Jacob Marsh                           Bloomfield

Christopher Parent           South Windsor

Matt Plante                            East Granby

Maftuna Rakhimova          Glastonbury

George Sharrow                   Bloomfield

Stanislaus Slupecki               Union

Brandon Truman                   Columbia