Manchester Community College and Hartford Public Schools Sign Agreement

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Top: Seated (l-r): Gena Glickman, Manchester Community College; Christina Kishimoto, Hartford Public Schools; standing (l-r): Regina Ferrante, Manchester Community College; G. Duncan Harris, Manchester Community College; Dianna Roberge-Wentzell, Hartford Public Schools; Alexander Nardone, Hartford Public Schools

Middle (l-r): Matthew Poland, Hartford Board of Education; Brad Noel, Hartford Board of Education; Selena Coley, GPA Student; Christina Kishimoto, Hartford Public Schools; Gena Glickman, Manchester Community College; William Magnotta, CT Department of Education; David MacDonald, Hartford City Council

Bottom (l-r): Matthew Poland, Hartford Board of Education; Gena Glickman, Manchester Community College, Christina Kishimoto, Hartford Public Schools; Andrea Johnson, Hartford

Manchester Community College and Hartford Public Schools Form Partnership to Manage Great Path Academy

MANCHESTER, CT, June 6, 2012 – Manchester Community College President Gena Glickman and Hartford Public Schools Superintendent Christina M. Kishimoto today held a signing ceremony to mark the five-year agreement under which Hartford Public Schools will be managing Great Path Academy, MCC’s middle college high school.

President Glickman and Superintendent Kishimoto were joined by Matthew K. Poland, Chair of the Hartford Board of Education and Deputy Mayor Jay Moran of Manchester. Dr. G. Duncan Harris, Dean of Student Affairs at Manchester Community College served as master of ceremonies for the event.

”We are excited about this new partnership and the opportunities it will afford Great Path Academy students. Hartford Public Schools is nationally recognized for the quality of its magnet schools; their reputation for innovation and excellence will serve the high school, the college, and our community well,” stated Dr. Glickman.

Hartford Public Schools currently operates four other schools in partnership with higher education institutions: the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy, The University High School of Science and Engineering at the University of Hartford, Capital Preparatory Magnet School in affiliation with Capital Community College and Pathways to Technology in partnership with Goodwin College in East Hartford.

Great Path, an inter-district magnet school, will also be joining the family of high schools within the Hartford Public Schools portfolio that have made the annual U.S. News and World Report’s list of America’s Best High Schools. The others are: Capital Preparatory Magnet School, Classical Magnet School, Pathways to Technology, the Sport and Medical Sciences Academy and the University High School of Science and Engineering.

“Hartford’s selection to manage Great Path Academy makes sense, considering our growth as a portfolio school district and our experience in implementing a range of school designs,” Superintendent Kishimoto said. “We look forward to an impactful, successful and collaborative relationship with Manchester Community College and the superintendents of the partnering districts.”

Under the terms of the agreement, Hartford Public Schools will, as of July 1. 2012, be responsible for personnel, curriculum, assessment, staff training, financial management and other aspects of day-to-day operations at the academy.

Great Path, which presently has an enrollment of 247 students in grades 10-12, will also be adding a first-ever freshman class of 80 students beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. In addition to Hartford students, the school also serves students from seven other towns in Greater Hartford: Bolton, Coventry, East Hartford, Glastonbury, Granby, Manchester and Tolland.

Established in 2002, Great Path offers students an early college experience by providing them with opportunities to enroll in college classes. The school is designed to provide an exceptional and innovative learning environment that encourages students to advance the skills and knowledge needed for success in post-secondary education. Students at the school are admitted through the Regional School Choice lottery system.

Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The college offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.

Hartford Public Schools, meanwhile, has continued to deliver on its portfolio of outstanding schools. Since 2006, student performance on standardized tests has risen by record levels, surpassing statewide gains for the past four consecutive years. Key to that success has been the overhaul of the district into an all-choice district of high-performing specialty schools and small high school academies.