Loud Implosions on Campus: CL&P at Work
CL&P has advised us that they will be conducting a series of implosions on the new power transmission lines crossing East Campus. This work involves strengthening the connections of the wires by installing high-performance imploding connectors. This work does not interrupt electric service to the College, but it will be loud. The noise is described as being similar to the sound of commercial fireworks or a loud clap of thunder.
Updated Schedule
The schedule for these implosions is weather dependent and CL&P’s “most optimistic” plan for completing work on the transmission right-of-way near the MCC campus is as follows:
CL&P are planning to conduct detonations on Monday, October 4. Crews plan on staging two detonations: 10 a.m. at the Bush Hill Road work site and 2 p.m. at the Wetherell Street site.
CL&P has provided a short video showing the method. (The video can be found at the bottom of this page: http://www.transmission-nu.com/residential/leadership.asp) CL&P advises the neighborhoods of this work and its accompanying loud noises in order to lessen concerns and unnecessary 911 calls.
If you have any questions, please contact me (see below) or M/Sgt. Davis at 860-512-3680. In addition, you can call CL&P’s Transmission Information Line at 1-800-793-2202.
Susan Gibbens
Director of Public Safety and Environmental Health
Manchester Community College