Employers Encouraged to Participate in MCC’s 30th Annual Regional Job Fair, April 6

MANCHESTER, Conn. (March 5, 2018) – Employers from around the region are encouraged to participate in Manchester Community College’s annual Regional Job Fair on April 6, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The event, held on the college’s main campus in the Great Path Academy gymnasium, is co-sponsored by MCC Foundation, the Connecticut Department of Labor and the Journal Inquirer.

“Employers will have access to job candidates with a wide range of skills and experience,” said Julie Greene, MCC director of career and veterans services. “The event is free and open to the public and is expected to draw more than 800 job seekers. It is the longest running and best attended event of its kind in the area.”

In addition, MCC students nearing graduation and college alumni with job-ready skills in many fields, including Allied Health, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Engineering, Fitness and Recreation, Manufacturing and many others, will be there, according to Greene.

“Job seekers and prospective employers will meet face-to-face and have the opportunity to discuss current openings and job requirements,” she said.

Employers who have registered to date include Accounting Connections LLC, Allied Community Resources, American Eagle Financial Credit Union, Avon Police Department, Beebe Landscape Services, Inc. Carter Mario Injury Lawyers, Continuum of Care, CTtransit, Data Based Development Systems, Educational Playcare, Farmers Insurance, FedEx Ground, Generations Family Health Center, Goodwill of Western & Northern CT, Journey Found Inc., Manchester Early Learning Center, MGM Springfield, New York Life, NN Life Science, Quest Global, Sagarsoft Inc., Six Flags New England, The Hartford, Town of Bloomfield, Town of Manchester – Manchester Police Department, TTM Technologies, UPS, Wheeler Clinic, Willington Nameplate Inc., and YMCA of Greater Hartford.

Visit www.manchestercc.edu/jobfair to register. Contact Greene at 860-512-3372 or via email at jgreene@manchestercc.edu.