Eastern Business Courses Offered at MCC
Eastern Business Courses at MCC will help MCC Graduates Transition to Eastern
Eastern Connecticut State University will be offering selected business courses at Manchester Community College (MCC) in fall 2011. The program is a collaborative project to deliver select upper division business courses on the MCC campus involving Eastern’s School of Education and Professional Studies, the Department of Business Administration, and the School of Continuing Education, as well as the University’s partners at MCC. Students who graduate from MCC with an associate’s degree have the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree with a concentration in Management at Eastern by taking select courses delivered by Eastern at MCC.
“I am delighted that we are able to offer upper division courses in flexible formats at Manchester Community College,” said Eastern President Elsa Núñez. “Busy adults seeking to advance their business careers can now take Eastern courses in Manchester with the knowledge they can eventually earn their bachelor’s degree on our campus. Manchester Community College is one of our strongest educational partners, so we take great pleasure in offering an easier path to their students seeking a liberal arts education at Eastern.”
“This is a wonderful opportunity for students who have graduated from MCC to meet many of the requirements for a Bachelor of General Studies offered on our campus by Eastern Connecticut State University,” said Gena Glickman, president of Manchester Community College. “We are happy to be entering into this educational partnership and know that many of our students will benefit from this program.”
Since 2008, Eastern has been offering Saturday courses leading toward a BGS degree with a concentration in Human Services at both Manchester Community College and Capital Community College. Students have been able to complete a BGS degree by taking these courses as well as select EasternOnline courses, courses at Eastern’s main campus, and additional courses as needed at Capital and MCC.
“Over the past year we have been in further discussions with MCC pursuing a mutually beneficial partnership to link their programs in accounting and business administration to Eastern’s Bachelor of General Studies, with a major concentration in management,” said Shelly Gimenez, dean of Eastern’s School of Continuing Education. “We have been working with Joanne Russell, dean of academic affairs; Catherine Seaver, director of the Business, Engineering and Technology Division; Robert Turner, director of the Counseling Center; and Georgia Buckles, chair of the Accounting, Business and Paralegal Department. We have been asked to work up a similar program for MCC’s General Studies degree.”
The BGS is an individualized course of study for each student. A recommended course of study is targeted to a cohort of students who will most frequently need the courses proposed. Students will not be able to complete their entire Eastern bachelor’s degree on the MCC campus. However, classes taken at MCC can be used toward the degree, and participating students will be able to meet many of Eastern’s requirements right at MCC. Eastern courses being offered at MCC have been selected to avoid any duplication with MCC’s curriculum. The minor concentration must be taken through MCC.
The first classes leading toward the Major Concentration in Management through the BGS will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings at 7 p.m. at MCC, commencing this fall. For more information, call 860-465-5125.
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