Organization of Active Adults (OAA)

The Organization of Active Adults (OAA) was founded in 1983 in partnership with the Manchester Community College Continuing Education Division. It includes college personnel and members of the community sharing a common interest in lifelong learning, travel opportunities and monthly entertainment features at the college. Currently, several hundred adults, 50 years of age and older, are members.

Questions? Contact the OAA at or join the OAA Facebook group at

Membership Benefits

OAA members enjoy the stimulation of socializing with people who share similar interests in a wide variety of educational, social and entertaining activities including:

  • Free monthly programs at the college with entertaining speakers and performances on a variety of subjects, with refreshments afterward, September through May (except for luncheon months).
  • Reduced fees for luncheons at local fine restaurants or banquet facilities.
  • The OAA Travel Committee arranges many popular motor coach day trips, overnight trips and international travel. Although non-members may participate, OAA members are given priority and pay discounted rates. Recent destination offerings have included Connecticut, New York City, Boston, Rhode Island, Nashville, the Ottawa Tulip Festival, Philadelphia and Portugal.
  • The UPDATE, a monthly newsletter providing information on activities, events, non-credit courses and news of interest to active adults is available online and in print.
  • A Tuition Rebate Program for non-credit courses costing more than $10, offering a 20 percent reimbursement of the fees paid up to a total of $50 per membership year. The CT State Manchester non-credit program offers a wide variety of low-cost courses and lectures of interest to the older adult, but all ages are welcome to participate. There are no tests or grades, and courses are designed to be friendly, fun and informative. OAA does not offer credit-course rebates, but persons 62 or older may be eligible to have tuition fees waived. See the current catalog for details.
  • Members may also use the college library for books, movies, music and other resources. In addition, members are encouraged to participate in college activities, lectures and performances.

OAA Membership Documents


July 2023

Please email for information about the recent newsletter.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How is OAA Governed?

A constitution and bylaws and a volunteer elected Board of Directors govern the OAA. The Board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Trustees. Working committees, including Hospitality, Mail, Membership, Nominations, Programs, Publicity, Travel and Tuition Rebates, are established with chairpersons and staff members who plan and coordinate OAA’s many activities.

Any current OAA member is invited to request appointment to a committee in which (s)he would like to participate. Just call 860-512-2840 and follow the instructions for contacting the appropriate committee chairperson.

How Do I Join the OAA?

Membership is open to all persons age 50 or older. Our membership year is from September 1–August 31, corresponding to the academic year. Annual dues are $20. Membership is effective on the date your payment is postmarked or presented in person and is valid for the remainder of the current membership year, except that dues postmarked from June 1– August 31 are valid for the remainder of the summer and for the upcoming membership year.

OAA Membership Documents

Just download a membership form, print the PDF file, fill in your information, clip off the stub for your records and mail the form with your dues check to:

Organization of Active Adults 
CT State Manchester, MS# 16
P.O. Box 1046
Manchester, CT 06045-1046

Can I Take Classes?

Our motto is “Never Stop Learning”. CT State Manchester’s Continuing Education Division offers a wide variety of low-cost, non-credit courses and lectures designed specifically for older adults.

When, Where and How Much are Classes?

Please read the non-credit course catalogs for class schedules, topics and fees. OAA members are eligible for tuition rebates (see above) on all non-credit courses costing over $10. Rebate applications can be found online and are printed in most UPDATE OAA newsletters.

How Do I Enroll in Classes?

To register for a non-credit course, complete a registration form and email it to or complete the online registration form. Check out the non-credit course catalogs or email for more information.

Can I Teach a Course or Present a Lecture?

The Continuing Education Division is always looking for new course ideas. To submit a proposal, please visit Teaching for Continuing Education.

Questions? Contact the OAA at or join the OAA Facebook group at