Manchester Community College’s Excursions in Learning Youth Program, enrichment classes for inquisitive and creative minds, has released the spring course catalog online and is open for registration.
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Manchester Community College to Participate in College Goal Sunday, January 25
Manchester Community College will participate in College Goal Sunday (CGS) on January 25 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the SBM Charitable Foundation building on the college’s main campus.
MCC Introduces New Instructors for Real Estate Courses
Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education division has appointed two new instructors to teach in its Real Estate program.
MCC Offers Open House for People Interested in Advanced Manufacturing Training
Manchester Community College is holding an open house on campus for local manufacturing companies, incumbent workers, students, high-school guidance counselors, parents and the general public Friday, January 16, from 2 to 4 p.m.
Pre-Med Students Gain Unique Insight into the World of Medical School
Three MCC students, officers of the college’s Pre-Med Club, were granted permission by the University of Connecticut School of Medicine to sit in on classes there.
MCC Offers Credit-Free Courses for New Year’s Resolutions
For people thinking about their 2015 New Year’s resolutions, a credit-free course through Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education division can give structure to good intentions.
MCC Students Raise Funds and Collect Food Donations for MACC
MCC students who work at the college’s radio station, ICE Radio/1620AM, ran a drive to raise money and donations of food and clothing.
MCC Students Inducted into Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for Fall 2014 Term
For the Fall 2014 term, more than 70 MCC students have been inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, the oldest and largest international honor society serving two-year colleges.
MCC Alumni Association Names Rios 2014 Alumnus of the Year
Jose D. Rios ’11, of East Hartford, Conn., has been named 2014 Alumnus of the Year by the Manchester Community College (MCC) Alumni Association. Rios was honored at the annual Homecoming Dinner held last Monday evening, November 24, in the MCC Culinary Arts Center on the main campus. Alumnus of the Year recognition is bestowed… Read more
Current Dehn Visiting Artist Series Hosts Photographer and Curator
Monday, December 1, the Adolf and Virginia Dehn Foundation hosted photographer David Hilliard in the second event of the visiting artist series in Great Path Academy (GPA) Community Commons on the MCC campus. The first visiting artist, independent art curator Meredyth Moses, appeared prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.