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Posts Categorized: MCC

President Glickman on SB40

Inside Higher Ed interviewed MCC President Gena Glickman on pending legislation that would eliminate stand-alone developmental education courses.

MCC Recognized for Community Service

MCC has been honored as a leader among institutions of higher education for its involvement in community service activities.

NEASC Team Visits MCC

The College will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit by a team representing the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, April 1-April 4.

MCC Employees Recognized for Excellence

MCC employees were recognized for their service to the MCC community. The recognition awards, one for staff and one for faculty were presented at an all-college meeting in January.

MCC Ice Team Wins Awards

MCC Ice Team wins awards at two ice carving events, the Salisbury Jump Fest and the Chester Winter Carnival.