When he left Connecticut some years ago, Roland Lester was an experienced tool and die maker. That’s why he was surprised to find he could not find a job as a machinist when he returned. “Technology these days is completely changed,” the 54-year-old observes. While he was working in New Mexico, “I fell behind.” That is no longer the case.
Posts Categorized: MCC
Celebrate the Season at Manchester Community College on Saturday, October 27!
On Saturday, October 27, the MCC campus will be host to a variety of community events – Foodshare’s Empty Bowls, Manchester Art Association’s Craft Fair and a Public Flu Clinic.
MCC Programs Prepare Students For College-Level Work
Nationally, an estimated 60 percent of new students at community colleges are placed in remedial courses in reading, writing and – especially – math. At Manchester Community College, that number is closer to 70 percent.
Bristol Resident Trains for New Career at Manchester Community College
Retraining for a new career can be a scary experience at first – particularly for an older worker — but it can also open a world of new opportunity and promise. So it was for former MCC student Domenic DeAngelis, Jr.
MCC Courtyards Get Facelift Thanks to PlantConnecticut 2012
On a rainy Wednesday a volunteer crew spent their day installing new landscaping in the courtyards at Manchester Community College as a part of the annual PlantConnecticut program.
MCC Plans Open House for Celebration of Manufacturing Month
Manchester Community College is participating in Manufacturing Month with an open house on campus for local manufacturing companies, incumbent workers, students, high-school guidance counselors, parents and the general public October 19.
MCC Culinary Arts Students to Participate in The Bread Bakers Guild of America Open House
MCC will be one of over fifty participants in The Bread Bakers Guild of America’s Second Annual Guild-Wide Bakery Open House on Saturday, October 20. The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the kitchen of the Culinary Arts Center located on the second floor of the Lowe Student Services Center.
Area Manufacturers Gather for Advisory Committee Meeting
Manchester Community College recently hosted a Manufacturing Advisory Committee meeting and featured guest speakers U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal; Mark Polzella, Director, Labor Operations – Employment Services; and Rena Bakalar, Executive Director, Office of Workforce Competitiveness
MCC Faculty Attend Professional Development Session
The Academic Affairs Division hosted a professional development session for MCC faculty on October 5. The session was designed to further work in assessment and learning-centered pedagogy – important components of MCC’s commitment to being a learning-centered community, committed to access, excellence, and relevance.
MCC Students Inducted into Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa, the oldest and largest international honor society serving two-year colleges, inducted 10 students from Manchester Community College as members during summer.