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Posts Categorized: MCC

William H. W. Crawford to Receive Honorary Degree

William H. W. Crawford, IV of Hartford, will be awarded the honorary degree of associate in humane letters, honoris causa at Manchester Community College’s 49th commencement ceremony, to be held Thursday, May 30, 2013.

Printmakers at MCC On Main

Since opening in September, MCC on Main has quickly become a destination for area residents, along with their families and friends, to experience the arts in a convenient downtown Manchester setting…

Send Your K-8 Kids to College This Summer

Parents who want to see their elementary school-age children get excited about science and math can enroll them in Manchester Community College’s Excursions in Learning Summer Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth.

Dr. Henry C. Lee to Deliver Commencement Address at MCC

Dr. Henry C. Lee, one of the world’s foremost forensic scientists, will address the graduates at Manchester Community College’s 49th commencement ceremony, to be held Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 5:30 PM.

College Computer Laboratory to be Dedicated in Honor of Bill Mcgurk

A computer laboratory in the Rockville Bank Foundation Computer Center at Manchester Community College will be named for William J. McGurk, President and CEO, Rockville Bank 1980–2011; Director, Rockville Bank 1981-2013, at a ceremony on Monday, May 13, 2013.

MCC Launches New Campus Radio Signal

“Keep Your Speakers On ICE!” has been a phrase heard quite often on the campus of Manchester Community College over the past five years; it was the popular slogan for the college’s student-run, internet-based radio station.

Manage a Better Retirement with MCC Courses

Now that the stock market is hitting record highs on a regular basis, it’s more important than ever for investors to know how to keep an eye on their portfolios, especially if they are retired or looking to retire soon.