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Posts Categorized: MCC

Dine and Learn: Continuting Ed to Host Meal

Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education Division is offering another in an occasional series of class/meal combinations on Tuesday, October 29, when students will learn about the place and culture behind the food they are served. “Middle Eastern Cuisine and the History and Culture of the Levant” will feature authentic Middle Eastern cuisine prepared and served by MCC’s culinary students.

MCC Plans Open House for Celebration of Manufacturing Month

Manchester Community College is participating in Manufacturing Month with an open house on campus for local manufacturing companies, incumbent workers, students, high-school guidance counselors, parents and the general public Friday, October 11, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

MCC Offers New Course in Technical Communications

Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education Division is offering a new course designed to build communication skills for engineers, architects, web software designers, insurance professionals and others who need to communicate ideas, concepts and information to a technically savvy audience.

Manchester Community College Celebrates 50th Anniversary

When Cliff Edwards graduated from Manchester Community College in 1966, he was one of just 13 students in his class. His class was the second to graduate from the community college that opened in 1963 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year…

50th Birthday Celebration

MCC’s 50th Birthday Celebration kicked off today with a birthday cake cutting by President Glickman and dignitaries during the Fall Welcome Festival.

National Suicide Prevention Week

A number of activities, supported by the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant, were held this week at MCC to get the word out about suicide prevention.

Celebrate With Us

Please join with us in celebrating Manchester Community College’s 50th Birthday on Tuesday, September 17 at 12:30 PM in the Campus Quad. The Birthday Bash will include food, fun, music, dance, giveaways, special guests – including our very own MCC Cougar – and, of course, birthday cake.