Credit-Free Programs Instructor Kay Lani LeBoulluec, Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Vermont, is a published medicinal research chemist, and a yoga therapist and holistic healer with the Saint Francis Hospital’s Integrative Medicine department.
Posts Categorized: MCC
Retiree Luncheon Held in Celebration of MCC
Over 50 retirees attended the luncheon held in the Culinay Arts Center. President Gena Glickman, Dean Leia Bell and Professor Emeritus Glenn Lemaire ‘76 welcomed the attendees and gave a few brief comments and updates on the status of the college. The group enjoyed a wonderful lunch prepared by the Culinary Arts students.
MCC on Main Partners with Local Breweries to Promote Financial Education for Young Adults
Budgeting, paying bills and managing debt are just a few of the money challenges young adults face as they transition from school to the real world. Yet, chances are, few of them received much guidance on handling these tasks during their formal education.
Educators from The People’s Republic of China Visit Manchester Community College
Twenty-three educators from the People’s Republic of China, representing ten of China’s top-ranked universities, visited Manchester Community College.
‘Memoir and Monologue’ Students to Read Personal Essays at MCC on Main
Three Manchester Community College Continuing Education students will read personal essays at the college’s MCC on Main location at 903 Main Street from noon to 1 p.m., Saturday, October 26. This entertaining and inspiring event caps off the students’ experience in a course about how your own life stories contain valuable lessons.
Senator Chris Murphy Visits MCC
US Senator Chris Murphy visited MCC on October 18 to meet with a small group of students to talk about the spiraling cost of higher education and to answer questions about issues affecting today’s college students.
Manchester Community College Foundation Appoints New Members to Board
The Manchester Community College Foundation recently appointed two new members to its board of directors.
Dr. Gregory Gray Visits MCC
On October 15, BOR President Gregory Gray visited MCC as the 13th stop on his 17-campus ConnSCU tour. He met with the college’s management team, followed by meetings with members of the community, as well as faculty, staff and students. This visit was an opportunity for him to share future plans for public higher education in Connecticut, as well as to answer questions from the various audiences.
MCC Hosts 16th Annual Foodshare Empty Bowls Project On October 26
On Saturday, October 26, the 16th Annual Foodshare Empty Bowls event will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the MCC Culinary Arts Center on the second floor of the Lowe Student Services Center.
24th Annual Global Issues Conference: Understanding Social Media And Global Change
In the 21st century, the lens through which we engage each other and the world around us is no longer primarily unmediated. News production and consumption, political campaigning, cartography, disease tracking, advertising and the family cat have all moved into distributed social spaces more frequently located in the cloud than on the ground…