Dr. Palmer has made several presentations on developmental education and Public Act 12-40, which requires colleges to offer students remedial support embedded with corresponding entry-level courses.
Posts Categorized: MCC
MCC Announces Appointments to Staff Positions
Appointments include Sara Vincent, Patricia Lindo, Anita Sparrow, Robert Smith, Elijah Oliver, Yanidza Betancourt.
Students Nourish Their Career Skills at Social Etiquette Luncheon
Students learned proper etiquette when eating during an interview or business lunch.
Artist James Prosek to Speak at MCC on April 8
Here is a Manchester Community College lecture with a built-in “hook”: James Prosek, well known for his brilliant fish illustrations, will speak about his work at MCC.
MCC Culinary Students Help Get CSCU Day “Cooking”
A reception catered in part by MCC Culinary students gave system officials an opportunity to meet with local legislators.
MCC Open House Welcomes Hundreds of Future Students
More than 500 students and their families turned out for the Manchester Community College Open House.
MCC Opens its Student Kitchens for Dining at the Culinary Arts Center
The public is invited to join student chefs at any of a series of dinners on April 8, 9, 16 and May 7 to enjoy a full-course menu of tantalizing, classic dishes.
MCC Opens its Student Kitchens for Dining at the Culinary Arts Center
The public is invited to join student chefs at any of a series of dinners on April 8, 9, 16, or May 7 to enjoy a full-course menu of tantalizing, classic dishes.
MCC Announces Excellence in Service and Teaching Awards
Brian Cleary, of Andover, was awarded the Excellence in Service Award. Excellence in Teaching went to Philip C Jones, of East Hartford.
26th Annual MCC Regional Job Fair is March 21
Whether you’re a newcomer to the job market or looking to advance your career, plan on attending the 26th Annual Manchester Community College Regional Job Fair on Friday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Labor, Manchester Community College, Journal Inquirer, WDRC AM/FM, and the MCC Foundation.