MCC offers a summer course, Introduction to Sign Language, Wednesdays beginning July 23 through August 27, from 7 to 9 p.m.
Posts Categorized: MCC
MCC Offers Opportunities for High School-Aged Entrepreneurs
High school students looking for an income this summer or for the start of the next school year can improve their qualifications with Manchester Community College Credit-Free Programs.
MCC Was the Venue for Governor’s Announcement of “Go Back to Get Ahead”
The “Go Back to Get Ahead” program was announced by Governor Malloy at MCC Monday, June 2, in the GPA Community Commons.
Unions’ Conversation with the Governor
Members of 4C’s and other SEIU locals attended a meeting with Governor Dannel P. Malloy in the SBM Charitable Foundation Auditorium on Saturday, May 31, 2014.
MCC’s Beekeeping Course Teaches More than Just the Production of Honey
Beekeeping for Beginners will instruct participants in how to start a hive but also in the importance of bees to our food supply beginning Wednesday, June 4 from 6 to 9 p.m.
2014 Distinguished Alumnus Address: Nancy J. Kelley
Nancy J. Kelly, ’82, founding executive director of the New York Genome Center, delivered the 50th Distinguished Alumnus Address. The text of her speech is here.
MCC Graduates 847 at 50th Annual Commencement Ceremony
Eight hundred ninety-eight degrees and certificates were awarded to 847 graduates at Manchester Community College’s 50th annual commencement ceremony held on Thursday, May 29.
MCC Commencement 2014 Fast Facts
Here is the breakdown of MCC’s 50th Commencement Exercises in a nutshell.
2014 Commencement Address: Dr. Regina Barreca
Dr. Regina Barreca, professor of English, University of Connecticut, and author delivered the 50th Commencement Address. The text of her speech is here.
Graduate Success Story: Gordon Plouffe Reinvented Himself Through MCC Program
Manchester resident Gordon Plouffe is one of the members of the Class of 2014 who will be celebrating their graduation from Manchester Community College Thursday, May 29.