Governor Dannel P. Malloy announced the appointment of William J. McGurk, of Somers, Conn., to serve as a member of the state Board of Regents for Higher Education.
Posts Categorized: MCC
MCC to Serve as Consortium Leader for Implementing $15 Million Federal CAMI Grant
As implementation of the $15 million federal grant for the Connecticut Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (CAMI) moves forward, Manchester Community College will serve as the lead college of the consortium.
MCC Announces Appointments to Faculty Positions
Manchester Community College is pleased to announce recent full-time faculty appointments.
Gov. Malloy: Advanced Manufacturing Programs to Launch at Connecticut Community Colleges
The state was approved for a $15 million federal grant to expand manufacturing programs at community colleges, including MCC.
Viscogliosi Entrepreneurship Center Launches “Future Business Leaders Network” Series
Anthony G. Viscogliosi and 22 students helped kick off the “Future Business Leaders Network” series at the Viscogliosi Entrepreneurship Center at MCC on Main.
Tom Chappell to Speak at VEC Opening; Governor Malloy Endorses Center
The new the Viscogliosi Entrepreneurship Center (VEC) will be dedicated on Thursday, October 2, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Manchester Community College Arts and Education Center.
Continuing Education Courses Helps Sharpen Computer Skills
Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education division offers computer technology education and training through its Credit-Free programs.
Umesh Vig Tapped for UConn Alumni Association Committee
MCC’s Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs Umesh Vig has been appointed to the Diversity and Opportunity Committee for the Alumni Association at UConn.
MCC Forges East-of-the-River Partnership with New Britain Museum of American Art
Manchester Community College is collaborating with the New Britain Museum of American Art (NBMAA) to give east-of-the-river exposure to world-class art collections.
MCC Opens its Student Kitchens for Dining at the Culinary Arts Center
The public is invited to join student chefs at any of a series of luncheons featuring tantalizing, classic dishes. Sales begin on Tuesday, September 16, at 8:30 a.m.